deep thoughts in writing

How to ask for and take feedback | GB63

Navigating feedback can be daunting. In this episode, we dive into the skills of asking for and receiving feedback with intention and grace. Learn the art of crafting your asks to elicit constructive insights and how to gracefully accept the advice given, filter...

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How to deal with business pauses | GB62

How to deal with business pauses | GB62

In the fast-paced world of entrepreneurship, taking a break can often feel like a foreign concept. The constant pressure to grow, scale, and make a bigger impact can make prioritizing personal well-being and life outside of work challenging. However, breaks and pauses...

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The problem with most excellent plans | GB61

The problem with most excellent plans | GB61

Ever plan an amazing business move but hit a roadblock? This episode tackles the "pothole" of poor planning for solopreneurs. Learn how to "right-size" your strategy based on your resources and set yourself up for sustainable success. Listen now!   [NOTE: The text...

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When to stick and when to bail | GB60

When to stick and when to bail | GB60

Feeling stuck in a business project that’s not taking off? This episode’s for you! We explore the often-overlooked skill of quitting and guide you through 4 key questions to help you decide when to persevere or let go. Learn to identify your true motivations, navigate self-doubt, and make choices that align with your goals and well-being. Listen to discover when to stick and when to bail!

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You might not need a VA after all | GB59

You might not need a VA after all | GB59

Overwhelmed business owner? Stop! Hiring a VA might not be the answer. Learn how to ID expert vs. VA tasks & hire the right person for the job (without becoming a “shitty boss”). Listen in and get bonus tips in the show notes!

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Want better clients? Make more mistakes. | GB57

Want better clients? Make more mistakes. | GB57

Today’s topic is mistakes in business. Why? We all make them. Good business involves managing both good and bad situations effectively, with elegance, education, confidence. This skill is often overlooked. Let’s explore common mistakes, how people typically handle...

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Oh my god, the bread

Oh my god, the bread

I love bread. All bread. But good bread? Good bread I kinda worship a teensy (a massive amount) bit. Good bread is something entirely different. It’s alchemy. Magic. Love. All kneaded into something filling, nourishing, life-giving. And it’s something I don’t...

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You SHOULD be afraid to speak your mind. We all should.

You SHOULD be afraid to speak your mind. We all should.

I read a blog post last week that a human-I-semi-know (friend is a massive overstatement for most of the people I'm connected to) wrote. She was nonplussed about how the ethics police are basically just making everything harder than it needs to be with all their...

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Resources + Inventory

Resources + Inventory

A few days ago, on one of our Incubator calls, I taught the group the value and methodology of doing a SWOT analysis for your work on a regular basis. For those of you not fluent in traditional marketing jargon, SWOT = Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and...

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The soul of sacrifice

The soul of sacrifice

Your business needs your soul. Like a partner. Like a child. Like the very breath from your chest needs the air it breathes. Honest soul is not simple though. It’s not inspirational memes or platitudes. Or one-line idioms. It’s sacrifice. It’s the simple question[s]...

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